E-governance and Information Technology Application in Social Development Projects
Summary of major assignments
Operating Design
The operating design of Four X 4 Consulting Pvt. Ltd is geared towards providing a multiple set of services to private, government or international donor agencies, intermediary CSOs, grassroots and federations and groups of people to qualitatively improve the lives of poor, marginalized, and excluded. These services or products include management and consulting support services for people's organizations for ensuring good governance through institutional development or people’s capacity building, facilitation/provision of micro-finance, IT enabled products like database creation and management, development of user-friendly websites.....

Information technology has tremendous potential to ensure transparency and enlarge efficient governance possibilities by reducing chances of corruption and pilferage in supply chains of service delivery projects. It also has the potential to efficient and prompt monitoring of project’s progress. By making available a dynamic database of various project development parameters as well as the end customers’ social development projects can be made highly result oriented, effective and impactful.

 Towards fulfilling these broad objectives Four X 4 has been engaged in the following initiatives:

Developed Global Monitoring Framework for measuring impact of programmes in over 130 countries consisting of five continents; and guided the development of Global M&E System and Database for SOS-Kinderdorf International in Innsbruck, Austria
Development of IT-automated, web-based database and monitoring and evaluation system- a pioneering project for online reporting of performance of programmes in India linking all 24 operational states and over 200 programme locations
Development of Database and Monitoring and Evaluation System to “Targeted Public Distribution System”, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Government of India for its major e-governance project in India (2009-2010). Has the potential for developing into one of the largest databases and IT automated monitoring systems in India covering over 70 million below poverty line (BPL) beneficiaries
Baseline Survey, Online Availability of Database on Elders and Development of Online Monitoring System through a comprehensive information-rich website for a collaborative project of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and HelpAge India
Development of a large database of 50,000 elderly persons along with their key health and psycho-social characteristics which captures data from 20 districts across nine states of India as a part of a healthcare project implemented by HelpAge India and ONGC